Taking Aim at the War of Films
Navigating Film Festivals in a World of Online Scams (Part 3)
War of Films, a film festival competition, emailed me after my debatable win as Best Screenwriter with the Enjoy Films Festival. At first, I was flattered, excited - hopeful…
Fool Me Once…
Navigating Film Festivals in a World of Online Scams (Part 2)
Hi Jes, we are very surprised by your review. Out of 23 reviews, the only bad one is yours..."
Just Take the Win, Damn It!
Navigating Film Festivals in a World of Online Scams (Part 1) "Never trust a laurel on a vinyl floor backdrop.” —Wayward
Journeys: The Fourth Experience
When you write about the journey and share it, your pilgrimage of the pen creates a fourth experience.
Travel Mercies
My gut had been right, but I didn’t know that for sure when I asked for help.
Saying Goodbye to Santiago
The Cathedral is a great place to use up Euros. There are many stations where you can light a votive candle and make an offering. The ritual has always soothed my inner child. She was Catholic. Though my belief system has shifted to the left - the far left - it’s still a place of peace for me.
Day Tripping to the End of the World
Have you ever had one of those day trips that are so full and rich that your heart keeps unpacking bits and pieces for years? This day was that!
Sharing the Way to Sigueiro
“ Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter.” —Izaak Walton
Palomar As a Metaphor
Notice the sole entrance on top in the photo, designed for pigeons to enter. Never to leave.
A Home Away From Home
Sometimes, the soul of a place becomes part of you and becomes a true home away from home.
Wayward: The Blog Series
The first of my blog series is on my pilgrimage of the pen on the Camino Ingles, the behind-the-scenes thoughts and events that created the screenplay, Wayward, and the personal journey that led to my writing it. When it’s complete, I’ll move on to other screenplays.