New Year’s Resolution…
Check out my pitch deck for my six feature film screenplays, and leave a comment to let me know which one you think would make the most interesting novel. I need help deciding!
Just Take the Win, Damn It!
Navigating Film Festivals in a World of Online Scams (Part 1) "Never trust a laurel on a vinyl floor backdrop.” —Wayward
For the Long Run
“I think maybe I don’t belong here.” —Tetsya Mariko
An important discovery for me is that I’m not suited to everything I try - even when I try hard. Despite that, my Super 8 experience was amazing and so were the results.
Wayward Heart Productions
Wayward Heart Productions… I’ve registered a business name! Now what?
I survived!
My experience as a top 5 at this year’s CineSpark script competition - where not winning is still a win!
CineSpark Pitch Event
Come one, come all! Get your tickets! I'd love to see you at the pitch, supporting local screenwriters and filmmakers - including me!
My first short, “Oh, Beth!” was selected as a finalist in the CINESPARK competition to pitch at the Shortcircuit Pacific Rim Film Festival! Read on to find out more…
Sharing the Way to Sigueiro
“ Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter.” —Izaak Walton
Palomar As a Metaphor
Notice the sole entrance on top in the photo, designed for pigeons to enter. Never to leave.
Keep your eyes out for heart-shaped rocks on the paths you travel. If you can’t find any, enjoy mine at your writing desk: a mouse pad, a coaster, and a mug for that mindful cup of coffee to jumpstart your day’s pilgrimage of the pen. There’s even an apron for hearty cooks and a drawstring bag to take on your errand - the tiny Caminos of daily life.
Fear of Failure
What do the Camino and screenwriting have in common? Fear of Failure! At least for me.
Wayward: The Blog Series
The first of my blog series is on my pilgrimage of the pen on the Camino Ingles, the behind-the-scenes thoughts and events that created the screenplay, Wayward, and the personal journey that led to my writing it. When it’s complete, I’ll move on to other screenplays.