Happy New Year’s Resolutions!
Do those words even belong together?
As a goal-driven person, resolutions and goals help me get motivated and organized. When I was a teacher, I needed to have day plans, week plans, unit plans, term plans - and a year plan. That took a lot of resolve. Writing does, too.
Having an accountability partner or writing coach helps tremendously. Signing up for classes or entering writing competitions can enhance your motivation.
Here are my goals for 2023. A first draft, of course.
You may notice that “make better use of screentime & improve eye hygiene” are on both goal sheets. That’s intentional! I’ve been dealing with more eye strain since adding this blog and Canva projects to my schedule of screenwriting, Facebook, Netflix, Ancestry, nightly bedtime reading, and using my cell phone. My aging eyes are very angry with me, feeling increasingly dry and strained. I’ve had to get stronger reading glasses, and new ones for the computer, and for distance/driving. But where to cut back? Let’s see if I can turn that around!
Best wishes for your New Year and with accomplishing the professional and personal goals you set. Remember that goals, like writing, can be easily revised.
Ultreia! Forward, together!